Monday, January 29, 2007

Portfolio and self assment with auther's thoughts

Eric kim
Block: H

Dedication Page

I want to give this to my parents, because I wanted to let them know and show them, how much I have learned in this class, because they used a lot of money to send me to this school, and I didn’t wanted to disappoint them, so I wanted to impress them, with all my works that I have done in writing class, and tell them my emotion, that I’m working hard in this school, also that I will not disappoint them.

When I first came in to this class, I thought I wouldn’t learn much things, but it was totally wrong, I think I learned most of the stuff and things in this class.

I think the main reason was the influences around me, the person who inspired me to study hard, and learn much things, it was my dad. Whenever I went back to home, he sat down with me and talked what was going on school, or what did I do this week, also he would go through the homework with me, and whenever I had mistake he fixed it, not only he gave a lesson to how to not get it wrong again, or to gain more skills on that part, I think the most important thing was that he kept told me how much he wants me to success, and which inspired my heart to study best as I could, and to do all my works.

I think I learned so much stuff in this class, like ideas, voice, word choice, conventions and organization, the most thing that learned about was conventions, ideas and voice, I never knew what was a conventions, until Ms. Johnson taught me about it, and kept improving by keep writing journals or poems, or essay, just like ideas, but the voice I had no clue how could I make a good voice in my writing. And my teacher told me to read it over and over again, and I will hear the voice, and I did it several times, and I got I better on it, eventually I was able to write a good essay and good poems and good journals, I would like to thank this honor to my best teacher Ms. Johnson.

Self assment

The poem that I wrote called funny boy is not a poem that makes a audience go wow… it is not a poem that makes the audience to be laughed, it is just a concrete poem to make people reading it to look at the shape of it and there isn’t a voice, because I was trying to make the shape of it and make the audience notice it hard, and I had a lot of conventions, when I wrote the conventions skillfully, also this poem was mostly about ideas, because I wrote so many describing words to show that what kind of by this is and also I wanted to tell the audience that, what funny boys do, or looks like, so I could show the shape of it too. The word choices were good enough to see and they were chosen by me, it described more about funny boy and to notice people that it is really concrete poem.

By: Eric kim

The second poem I had to change for my poem is listed poem, this poem was the most easy poem that I had to wrote, because people thought that the listed poem are just listing many words, but I listed the word that helps to draw a picture on there mind of my title the delicious turkey. The ideas were pretty good to me and it had made my mind to say that it is really making it sense, because the other ideas that I wrote on first draft, it had no sense. There aren’t a lot of conventions, because it is listed words, but I had good choosing of word choice, because I used the best words for the poem to audience to look if this poem is really good, and my title is really shinning and making sense. There weren’t a lot of voice, but I felt it, by reading it over and over again, that little bit of the word gives me the feeling that the people would feel it, when they read my poem.

By: Eric KIM

Villanelle poem, it was the my last poem and the most important poem that I have wrote in all of the poems. Because my teacher helped me all the way long, until I was done, so I was surprised to notice, that the people who knew me said did I really wrote this poem. I had good ideas, because I used a lot of the site to help me out, and also it had much convention then other poems, because I used all the word I could, and I had the good word choice, and there was good voice between, the poems the sentence were fluency, and it was very organized, I used my poem package to notice the things that I didn’t notice and It helped me to write all the things down write about it.

BY: Eric KIM

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