Monday, January 29, 2007

Definiton Essay

A Christian is a follower of jeus of Nazareth, referred to as the Christ. Christians believe Jesus to be the son of God, who lived a life befitting that of the creator of the universe, free of sin and full of love, who at the end of his earthly life was crufied and then on the third day, rose form the dead , and later ascended into heaven.
Christians believe that Jesus offers the only path to savlation and that it is only possible because of him. Christians believe that salvation cannot be earned, but can only come as a gift from God. Good works, however, are a result of living according to the world of God Christians identify themselves as monotheistic, believing that there is one God. Most sects believe in a triune God made up of: father (the Source, the Eternal Majesty); the son (the eternal or Word, incarnate as Jesues and the Holy spirt Today, it is estimated that there are around 2.1 billion Christians in the world making up 33% of the world population, with the largest being Roman Chatholic.
Some Christians or denominations do not necessarily hold the above beliefs, see earth.

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