Monday, January 29, 2007


The Achievements Eric Kim

Goal: Editing and publishing uses a variety of strategies to edit and publish written work
and spelling at a developmentally appropriate level: refines selected pieces to publish for general and specific audiences; uses available technology, such as publishing software or graphics program, to publish written work.

Method: I will do this by asking my pees to help me out the editing and publishing.

Goal: uses a variety of sentence structures and lengths ( complex and compound complex sentences; parallel or repetitive sentence structure.

Method: I will be using more interesting sentence to make my sentence more structures and also I will write longer.

Goal: Uses adjectives in written compositions.

Method: I will find words that are more adjectives or describing the noun, also I will study more about all kinds of adjective to use in my writing.

Goal: Uses appropriate research methodology

Method: I will find a good website to research good facts and the true facts, also I will think of information that is not used often.

Goal: Ideas are all about information. The information can come from a writer’s own experience and observation, formal research, reading, or taking with others. Knowing a topic well is the first step toward strong ideas. In addition the writer must select details that the topic is essential to good writing, a writer must first determine what he or she does now know then research the topic to gather additional needed information.

Method: I would make more sensitive and more good ideas to give attention to audience and make the audience to read my writing.

Portfolio and self assment with auther's thoughts

Eric kim
Block: H

Dedication Page

I want to give this to my parents, because I wanted to let them know and show them, how much I have learned in this class, because they used a lot of money to send me to this school, and I didn’t wanted to disappoint them, so I wanted to impress them, with all my works that I have done in writing class, and tell them my emotion, that I’m working hard in this school, also that I will not disappoint them.

When I first came in to this class, I thought I wouldn’t learn much things, but it was totally wrong, I think I learned most of the stuff and things in this class.

I think the main reason was the influences around me, the person who inspired me to study hard, and learn much things, it was my dad. Whenever I went back to home, he sat down with me and talked what was going on school, or what did I do this week, also he would go through the homework with me, and whenever I had mistake he fixed it, not only he gave a lesson to how to not get it wrong again, or to gain more skills on that part, I think the most important thing was that he kept told me how much he wants me to success, and which inspired my heart to study best as I could, and to do all my works.

I think I learned so much stuff in this class, like ideas, voice, word choice, conventions and organization, the most thing that learned about was conventions, ideas and voice, I never knew what was a conventions, until Ms. Johnson taught me about it, and kept improving by keep writing journals or poems, or essay, just like ideas, but the voice I had no clue how could I make a good voice in my writing. And my teacher told me to read it over and over again, and I will hear the voice, and I did it several times, and I got I better on it, eventually I was able to write a good essay and good poems and good journals, I would like to thank this honor to my best teacher Ms. Johnson.

Self assment

The poem that I wrote called funny boy is not a poem that makes a audience go wow… it is not a poem that makes the audience to be laughed, it is just a concrete poem to make people reading it to look at the shape of it and there isn’t a voice, because I was trying to make the shape of it and make the audience notice it hard, and I had a lot of conventions, when I wrote the conventions skillfully, also this poem was mostly about ideas, because I wrote so many describing words to show that what kind of by this is and also I wanted to tell the audience that, what funny boys do, or looks like, so I could show the shape of it too. The word choices were good enough to see and they were chosen by me, it described more about funny boy and to notice people that it is really concrete poem.

By: Eric kim

The second poem I had to change for my poem is listed poem, this poem was the most easy poem that I had to wrote, because people thought that the listed poem are just listing many words, but I listed the word that helps to draw a picture on there mind of my title the delicious turkey. The ideas were pretty good to me and it had made my mind to say that it is really making it sense, because the other ideas that I wrote on first draft, it had no sense. There aren’t a lot of conventions, because it is listed words, but I had good choosing of word choice, because I used the best words for the poem to audience to look if this poem is really good, and my title is really shinning and making sense. There weren’t a lot of voice, but I felt it, by reading it over and over again, that little bit of the word gives me the feeling that the people would feel it, when they read my poem.

By: Eric KIM

Villanelle poem, it was the my last poem and the most important poem that I have wrote in all of the poems. Because my teacher helped me all the way long, until I was done, so I was surprised to notice, that the people who knew me said did I really wrote this poem. I had good ideas, because I used a lot of the site to help me out, and also it had much convention then other poems, because I used all the word I could, and I had the good word choice, and there was good voice between, the poems the sentence were fluency, and it was very organized, I used my poem package to notice the things that I didn’t notice and It helped me to write all the things down write about it.

BY: Eric KIM

5 Poems

Funny boy Concrete Poem
Eric Kim
To brother

Funny Boy Smiles
Funny Boy Smiles
Happy Boy Talks
Happy Boy jumps
Laughing Boy jumps
Laughing Boy throws
Laughing Boy Throws

That is the funny boy
That is the crazy boy
Who jumps

Listed Poem
-a lot


Shiny star
Villanelle Poem
Eric Kim
To Jenny
See the shiny star, on the darken sky and with the white fresh clouds, yellow bright star that shines all the place in the world. Shines, Shines against the ground and to the people.

Wise men that made the star is standing on the moon, looking down the sky. It is made for the people to see, and for his glory.

See the shiny star, on the darken sky and with the white fresh clouds, yellow bright star that shines all the place in the world.

Shines, Shines against the ground and to the people.
It is the nicest thing that is made in the world.

Narrative poem

I live in a doorway
Between two rooms
I saw a little black cat
Walking around the yard
My mom fainted as she saw
The cat, as I feed the cat
It rolls on the ground then it
bow at me and runs away as a rat.

After one sad week, the black cat
comes back from the hunger, it starts
to run around the yard and yelling and
yelling… and yelling .. for the food it runs
to me as soon as I brought some food and runs
away again like a rat.

Progress Essay

How to text message in class

Do you know that without text messaging I can’t live through my life? And do you know that there are thousands of people messaging every day to their peers or their parents, especially in Korea, there are more than thousand messages in one month per one student, for the people that doesn’t know how to text message, also I will tell you my secret sequence that I use in class to text message in class, and not getting caught. My first suggestion to you is always turn your cell phone in manner mode. I had many experiences doing this job, and I will tell you the what is the best way of doing it.

Text message, it’s something that people use their cell phone to text message someone, instead of calling them, The first step of messaging some one is this, open your phone and you will se a button with a mail image, after you clicked that you need to put the phone numbers that you will message, right here you need to be careful, because if your messaging several people don’t do the steps over and over again, there will be a numbers listed on the screen, so put all the numbers that your going to message and send them the same message at one time, after putting the numbers down, now you need to put down what you were going to say, also you need to know that there are symbols you can use determined by your phone’s ability. You can type anything you want, but there are limited space, and don’t forget to click send. I feel that this is the way I did and never been caught.

This moment I will tell you the secret sequence to message other kids during the class time, when your teacher is talking. It’s looks like the impossible mission, but if you think well and practice it works really well that you will never get caught, the first step of this is easy, quietly take out your phone and open the screen and pretend your listening to the teacher very well, than you need to use your skill that you practiced, do not see the screen and click the button just by your feeling, or memorization, make sure that your teacher doesn’t believe that your doing something different, and most important thing is to show your studying and listening well.

My final steps of sending message in class would be sending a message safely and getting the answer without getting caught from the teacher. This step might be really hard for the people, who just bought a phone, but you need to act well, that the teacher would never notice. My suggestion to you is that look at your teacher eye and do the message at the same time, to use this plan you need to practice really hard enough. The people in Korean knows how to use the cell phone to message someone, and some people uses to much that it is really problem, from this essay I felt that a normal school student are using over their limit to message their peers or their boyfriend and girlfriend. I fell that is reasonable, but I think it might affect their studying skills, so I felt that I’m going to use message, when I’m done all my work.

Definiton Essay

A Christian is a follower of jeus of Nazareth, referred to as the Christ. Christians believe Jesus to be the son of God, who lived a life befitting that of the creator of the universe, free of sin and full of love, who at the end of his earthly life was crufied and then on the third day, rose form the dead , and later ascended into heaven.
Christians believe that Jesus offers the only path to savlation and that it is only possible because of him. Christians believe that salvation cannot be earned, but can only come as a gift from God. Good works, however, are a result of living according to the world of God Christians identify themselves as monotheistic, believing that there is one God. Most sects believe in a triune God made up of: father (the Source, the Eternal Majesty); the son (the eternal or Word, incarnate as Jesues and the Holy spirt Today, it is estimated that there are around 2.1 billion Christians in the world making up 33% of the world population, with the largest being Roman Chatholic.
Some Christians or denominations do not necessarily hold the above beliefs, see earth.